Grouped products - Knowledgebase

Online Store: Grouped products

On category view page you can find grouped products. These products may be grouped due to several reasons:

- They can be the same article with different references because we have them in different warehouses. The product price or its availability could be different.

They can be the same article with a different or equal price and with different reference. Sometimes we have the same product with different references because we receive them from different suppliers. Although confusing, we don't keep only the lowest-priced reference because if the product runs out of stock we can offer a different delivery date for each reference.

- They can be the same article with different references because some of them could sent delivered to different countries/zones.

- Rarely could occur they are not exactly the same item, they could share a Manufacturer Part Number but have slight differences that could be checked on the product page on the short description or product name.

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